New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra | October 14, 2023

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! This new moon's energy is intense as it is joined by a Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023. Our session will begin at the peak of the new moon at 1:55 PM EST on October 14, 2023. To be a part of our new moon session sign up here or on Etsy!

The New Moon in Libra gives us an opportunity to reassess and reflect on our partnerships. It is a chance to visualize healthy, supportive relationships that respect our personal paths while also respecting the paths of others.

Establishing a partnership where both individuals' life paths are valued can be challenging. However, we need partners who can support us while pursuing their own goals. We can contemplate the importance of balance in our close relationships. The current energy may lead to new partnerships and collaborations, while existing connections may need to be reevaluated. The new connections we form and those we release can feel fated and karmic during this time.

A new moon that coincides with a solar eclipse is a sign of new beginnings and fresh starts, but it may also require us to let go of something in order to achieve them. Eclipses tend to mark both endings and beginnings in our lives, forcing us to confront issues that we may have been avoiding. It is important to trust that our past does not have to define us. Although it may be an emotional experience, releasing what no longer serves us can be a healing and empowering process that leads to a brighter future.

During an eclipse, there is an unpredictable energy that makes it not the best time for manifestation work. Instead, it is beneficial to surrender and align with the energy of the eclipse rather than trying to force a certain outcome. It's a great time to step back and reflect on what is happening around you. However, everyone has their own relationship with the Divine, sun, and moon, and if you feel called to set intentions or perform any rituals during an eclipse, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Trust your intuition and know that this is a portal that can help you shift timelines and forever change you.

Peace, love, and light to you always,


Amazing references and deeper looks into this energy:

Collective Messages

To be a part of our new moon sessions sign up here or on Etsy!

Watch our session on Youtube


Hello! Thank you for being a part of our New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Reiki healing session. This is a collective message, so, please take only what resonates with you. 

Before you read the messages, feel free to take a couple of deep breaths in and out to connect with your Highest Self. 

I completely releasaed control and allowed your Highest Self, someone's ancestors are here, angels, God, your Supreme Being to take over your Reiki healing completely. 

As I started the session, I lit a Mryhh incense and it smelled like sweet release. It smelt of burning with a sweet fragrance accompanying it. This eclipse energy really helps us release and let go of things we no longer need so that we can switch up the energy and move towards our highest goals. 

Collective Messages:

 The energy is flowing very easily for our group. Spirit is encouraging the release of control and is telling us to move forward at the same time; stagnancy seems to be over. For someone(s) I am hearing the words, "Go now!". It is your time to move forward! 

Throat Chakra

I am hearing many thoughts and Spirit is asking us to listen. This is a message I have been receiving this entire week. 

Specifically, we are to "listen to the song within our hearts. The melody we have started and can complete!" You can complete what you have begun! You can move forward regarding your Heart's desires!  

This new moon energy is highly centered around relationships and partnerships. And I am hearing someone singing from their heart, to their family, to their loved ones, and to themselves. 

Some of us are blaming ourselves for the choices we have made in the past. But you shouldn't be so hard on yourself! Don't be upset about your journey! I hear, " I should have known better." It's important to remember that you can't be expected to know how to handle every single situation that comes your way because you may not have experienced it before. Although we can learn from others, we often learn and grow even more through personal experiences. So, don't be too hard on yourself for the path you've taken. You are where you are for a reason, and your journey looks the way it does for a reason as well.

I urge you to be kinder and more loving when you talk to yourself. Always remember that the Universe is on your side and willing to support you. Sometimes, we go through difficult times that cause us pain, suffering, or heartache, but these experiences are necessary for our growth and self-discovery. Suffering can be a catalyst for growth if you're willing to put in the effort to heal and learn from it. Instead of getting caught up in the pain, try to view challenges as opportunities to expand your spiritual life and focus on your personal growth. Remember, you don't have to be caught up in the suffering anymore.

Spirit is guiding us to allow life to flow without being too hard on ourselves. Let's choose our words carefully, avoiding negative self-talk. However, it is very important to express our emotions in healthy ways, rather than bottling them up. Writing, singing, or screaming can be helpful ways to deal with pain, frustration, and angst. I feel that someone in our group is going through a tough time, and that's okay. We are currently in a time of releasing old karmic pasts, which can be painful, but we are also moving forward toward growth and healing.

To progress in life, it's crucial to seek guidance from your divine team. How can we ensure that we are open to receiving messages from our inner selves? There are various ways such as meditating, spending time alone, relaxing in a bubble bath, or even riding a bicycle. Find a peaceful environment where you can connect with the universe and your own divine nature.

Lastly, at the throat chakra, we are clearing out thoughts, habits, and ways of thinking not in alignment with where we are headed. 

Heart Chakra

The heart is telling me it has something to say, so we are here next. The heart really wants us to accept that life will not always flow in the way we want it to go. 

It's common to find ourselves in situations where we have a specific outcome in mind that we want to achieve. However, Spirit is pointing out that we must try not to get caught up in the suffering that arises from it. We may be contributing to our own suffering by not accepting what is currently happening. Acceptance doesn't mean giving up on life or accepting something that is not meant for us, but rather acknowledging the present situation so that we can move forward. 

I'm being shown that a foundation of love is where we should be headed, but some of us are still holding on to the societal and familial expectations of what love should be like. Spirit is urging us to be patient as we let go of the programming that we've been taught. Be open to the way that you see love show up in your life. For a lot of us, love is really starting to be at our foundations! How exciting; allow it to flow in naturally in whatever way it is coming into your life. Just release that control; this is so important. 

I pulled some cards at the Heart Chakra: Storm Warning and The Door Leading to Happiness. 

It seems like we have been discussing our troubles and suffering a lot lately, but it's all leading us towards a better and happier path. The Universe is presenting us with new beginnings. The pain and suffering we're going through are meant for us and are helping us achieve our divine happiness. It's quite difficult to recognize the benefits of pain when we're experiencing it. However, we'll surely get through it! The eclipse is here to bring about change so that we can move forward. And if we find ourselves in a storm one day, there's no need to be afraid. It's helping us to shift towards our greater good, guiding us to the door of personal healing and happiness!

Root Chakra

I was shown earlier that love is at a lot of our foundations so I wanted to go deeper into our root chakra. 

We are starting to allow Love to lead. I am also seeing protection and financial healing/abundance at the root as well. I am seeing more spiritual clarity and a really strong foundation that is based on listening to the Higher Self here at the root. Wow! We are doing some beautiful things and the work that you are putting in is showing up! 


Spirit is asking you to become clear on what you want to achieve. Although we don't need to know the exact steps to get there, having a general understanding of our goals can provide us with direction and benefit us. 

Some of us may have already decided on our next course of action, but Spirit advises us to take our time, do more research, and gain clarity in our chosen path. This message may be specific to someone, but it can help in making decisions that are in line with your chosen trajectory. Have you chosen a path toward spiritual enlightenment or a new career? Whatever it may be, it's essential to gain a clear understanding of how it can manifest in the world. Conducting research on the subject may surprise you and open up possibilities that you were not aware of before.

Spirit is also asking us to be mindful of things that need to be removed. Things that were once good for us, may have become outdated, spoiled, or toxic for us now. 

This is an exciting time of moving beyond suffering and stepping into a new beginning of bliss. Trust your process and yourself.

I'm so grateful to be able to do these sessions with you guys every new and full moon and when we do personal sessions. As I always say, you and your highest self have the final say, always! Trust yourself and only take within what resonates. Know that I love you! I am so proud of you all! The energy was beautiful for this session. 

Blessings as you continue on your beautiful journeys,



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