Full Moon in Aries | September 29, 2023

Happy Full Moon in Aries! Our session will be on Friday, September 29, 2023, at 11:00 PM EST. The peak of this full moon is at 5:58 a.m. EST.

If you want to access both the video and audio versions of our session, as well as the written transcript, please consider joining our Patreon community.

Our full moon occurs in the sign of Aries and the Sun is in the opposite sign, Libra. Full moons are often associated with heightened emotions and the culmination of energies that have been building throughout this lunar cycle.

Aries energy is assertive, courageous, and independent, while Libra gives us balance, relationships, and diplomacy.

The Aries full moon may make you feel more assertive, passionate, and impulsive. Take care to avoid making hasty decisions and be sure to think things through before acting on your impulses.

Finding the balance between having your independence and being in a relationship with others is also highlighted. It is a time to practice finding harmonious connections with others. You can use this time to find resolutions and address issues directly and assertively.

As we become more attuned to our soul’s purpose, we begin to realize that when we experience contentment and fulfillment, it has a positive impact on everyone in our lives. We can strike a balance between prioritizing and taking responsibility for ourselves, and fulfilling our obligations to others. We learn when to make compromises when to stand up for what we believe in, and how to come to terms with the path our soul is taking.

Remember that the influence of this full moon can vary depending on your individual birth chart. But may the intensity of the moon bring you to beautiful new beginnings.

So much love, peace, and joy to you,


Collective Messages:

Hi everyone! Thank you for being so open to the full moon in Aries Reiki session with the Zenfilled Life! The energy was robust and charging through the collective!

I'm happy and excited to do this session because my moon sign is actually in Aries. It is also a Super Full Moon so there has been a lot of energy around us.

I have been talking to friends and loved ones, and it seems like we are dealing with a lot of confrontation. We are confronting areas in our lives that are no longer in alignment with our highest goals and desires. We are recognizing it and being open to the needed changes. Even with myself, I am confronting and being real with myself to see the areas in which growth is much needed, especially spiritual growth.

I know this is a time when things can become heated, but we must remain balanced, and that is what this session is about, balancing our chakras.

As I begin the session, I release complete and total control to each individual's highest self; so whether you believe in the Divine, God, Buddha, have connections with your ancestors, angels, or whatever you deem Supreme, may that power and only that power have charge over your healing experience during our full moon session.

Please note that this is a group session, and the messages are for the collective. Please only take within what resonates with you.


Sometimes in life, we just go for it! We don't take any precautions, we don't make any detailed plans, but we go for the prize! And that's okay, but we can sometimes be stopped in our tracks because we are not yet prepared. Take the time to make provisions for your coming journey, even if not for too long, and take some time to truly determine your goals and desires. Take your time to make your decisions when you are calm and centered. That allows you to make sound decisions which allows you to move in a way that's beneficial for you as an individual.

As I begin our session, I am burning a Mrryh incense that typically has a pleasant smell, but I am smelling something burning like an intentional fire. Are some of us in a place in life where we have or are considering destroying connections, habits, thoughts, and old patterns?

Sometimes it is necessary to release things in a way that is so permanent it can not return.

But for others of us, I ask that you take the pause we discussed before and determine if burning the bridge will ultimately hurt you in the end. As I'm getting older I am recognizing that I can make decisions that are so fast and hasty and that can be really hurtful and harmful to others and to me. Some decisions are not well planned, and the Higher/Divine perspective is often not even considered.

But this group is letting me know that we have this higher understanding and have a way to connect with our God/angels/ancestors to tap into a guidance that is beyond this human realm. Spirit wants you to know that this connection is available always! Never forget that. You can use your discernment to know what people, thoughts, and habits are not in alignment with who you are without throwing out the baby with the bath water. Keep what is good for you.

Heart Chakra

Our heart is in the middle of the seven main chakra centers. It's the connection, a gateway between our lower three chakras and the higher three chakras. When we move from our highest heart, things tend to flow easily because we are moving with love, kindness, and compassion. Compassion is the word that is being highlighted for our session. Have compassion for those around you, friends and enemies!

I'm feeling a need for deep breaths and for us to calm down. You are allowed to take a moment before you make any rash decisions that you might regret. Although you are never off-track, you can also make SOUND decisions.

When we allow our hearts to have a say in our day-to-day lives, in everything, it can allow us to have a higher perspective. Your heart works with your crown chakra, it allows you to operate from your Soul's perspective which keeps you in alignment with your Highest self.

As I continue to work with our heart chakras, I am clearing out our auras. Spirit is asking you to be mindful of what you have in your environment; that helps better the energy you put out in the Universe. In this life, we all want stability and prosperity, but being mindful of what is currently surrounding us can give us insight into what we are putting into the Universe. Clearing your aura can come from choosing and making decisions that are in alignment with who you really want to be, especially here at your heart chakra; your HEART's goals! Think about the food and liquids you ingest, the way you take care of your body, detoxing, and the music you are listening to, all of that can have a significant effect on what you project out in the world. Someone is to clear out the "organs". Maybe do a liver detox. It can be wonderful for your spiritual health as well as physical health. It can bring a clearer mind and a happier demeanor which allows for more gratitude to come in your energy. This allows you to resonate at a different frequency and keeps you focused. Spirit is here to keep you focused.

So whatever you have at your heart, even if it's something you're nervous about like new love, ( I am even hearing someone is nervous about remaining faithful), know that your Highest Spiritual support is here and can help you remain focused on the betterment of your life! Everything that you need is available.

Third Eye

I am hearing from this group, "I need help and guidance for this physical plane. I am a human being with human problems".

Spirit is saying that a lot of us are "worried about the wrong thing, the wrong thing. Quit worrying about the wrong thing, the wrong thing." A lot of us are focused on something that is not even there. And some of us are concerned about what is happening around us. But for all of us, Spirit is adamant in saying that is not even something that you need to worry about. I am not saying it does not affect you; it feels uncomfortable for sure! But your divine guides are giving you the Higher task of releasing looking at that uncomfortability, that problem. Rather it is time to take that breath, calm yourself, and think about your Soul's desires! Focus on hearing God's voice, meditating, and what brings joy. Do things that keep you in alignment rather than what brings you back to the problem at hand. Clear out the mind and recognize that thoughts are just thoughts. A lot of times they are stories we are telling ourselves or others have told us that may or may not be true. They are often focused on the past or what is to come, but staying present is the key to all of this! Don't worry about the future or the past.

I also worked with the sacral chakra for a while during our session. Don't be afraid to create.

There were more messages but technology was not on my side last night. This was all Spirit wanted to be shared today. This group is doing wonders!!! Don't worry about the wrong things, really anything! Be mindful of your aura, your energy! You determine what has access to you. Focus on the present.

Some methods for peace that popped up during the session:


Walking in nature.

Deep breathing

Pausing and connecting to your divine when things are tough

Focusing on your Soul's/heart's desires

Staying present by listening to the sounds you create. Listen to what you are doing as you walk, touch things, speak. Listen to all of the noise you create. It can keep you present.

Again, please keep within only what resonates. I thank you for allowing us to do this session together, and many blessings on your divine journey!

Peace, love, and light to you always,



New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra | October 14, 2023


New Moon in Virgo | September 14, 2023