New Moon in Virgo | September 14, 2023

Happy New Moon in Virgo! Our session will be at the peak of the new moon at 9:40 PM ET on September 14, 2023.

Virgo season teaches us to balance who we are and who we aspire to be. Comparing to our ideal selves brings dissatisfaction but no growth leads to unhappiness. We must accept ourselves while striving to improve. How can we love who we are today while becoming our future selves?

The New Moon is a time to write love intention letters to ourselves, acknowledge our gifts, and set boundaries. Say yes to what matters and no to what feeds insecurities and scarcity.

The Sun conjunct Moon marks the end of one cycle and the start of another. It brings a burst of energy and initiative while maintaining emotional balance.

The New Moon trine Uranus brings energy, change, and excitement. This aspect encourages us to confidently express our uniqueness, take risks and try new things. We can adapt well to new conditions, make new friends, and explore new interests. It favors creativity, science, technology, the internet, and astrology. It is ideal for breaking bad habits and leaving unhealthy relationships behind as well.

During Virgo season, we must become aware of the conditions we place on ourselves for love and acceptance. What levels of perfectionism are we holding ourselves to, and why? We need to teach ourselves that we are worthy of love, acceptance, and fulfilling our dreams. We don't have to be perfect to be worthy of love. We just have to be ourselves.

Peace, love, and light always,



Grammarly contributed to this text by responding to AI prompts for clarity and grammatical proficiency

Collective Messages

Happy New Moon in Virgo. There are many messages, some specific for an individual so please only take within what resonates for you. Here are our messages:

Many encouraging words started off the session. Thanks for being open to the New Moon in Virgo session. As you read these notes, remember to take deep breaths. Be open to breathing in love and breathing out love. It is a beautiful practice that reminds us to give out what we want to receive. It is time for us to be intentional about our frequency and the energy we wish to surround ourselves with. 

Spirit is also encouraging us to release the need for perfection. Sometimes we can have a plan, a schedule for how we want our day, and our lives to go. And there are times when life does not go according to that plan. That is okay! The derailment, delay, or confusion does not take you away from your ultimate path; most times, the changes are for you! So please trust the process! 

I heard the words, "Stop playing God". We have a higher intelligence available to us that is greater than our logic. Trust your guidance and trust your delays because more than likely, they are for you! 

Four Chakras were highlighted during our session:

Root Chakra

  • Do not allow fear to rule or stop you from going where you want to go, or doing what you want to do. I feel like old programming has us holding ourselves back from taking the next steps that are pertinent to our growth. The time is now to take a step, no matter how big or small it is, towards our goals. And it is important to do it with love frequencies! Life can go in your favor!

Throat Chakra

  • Our Root Chakra can affect the words that we say to ourselves. For someone in particular: There may be a project you have kept hidden and haven't spoken to anyone about, but you are unsure of how it can work. It is almost as if you truly believe it can't come to fruition. Unfortunately, the environments we were raised in and what we experience today can affect us negatively. But the fear can no longer rule us! We are expecting the best for ourselves. Go for it anyway! Do it for you! Don't give up on yourself. 

  • Do not speak negativity into your future. Please do not call in sickness or failure. Don't expect the worst. Switching the words within is easier said than done; it takes work to change the past programming. But no matter what you say to yourself, know that Grace, Love, and Peace are always there for you! Give the burdens to the higher team. They are always avaliable for you! 

  • "You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge." - Eckhart Tolle 

Third Eye Chakra

  • I received the word "Protection" as soon I started working with the third eye. 

  • You see how the Divine works in your life, so you can trust your process. 

  • Listen to the advice that the Divine team is giving you. Someone knows that there is something in your life that works for you. Trust that guidance. 

  • Someone is shifting and they are going to a state of consciousness that may be new for them. Keep your eyes on the price! Stay focused. Don't give up. Remember alignment is always possible for you! 

  • The stone black tourmaline has been around since the beginning of the session. It brings in protection and helps you detoxify. Remember to stay away from people who do not wish the best. Recognize the power of your words and actions; they can be hurtful, not just to you, but to those around you, also.

  • Your frequency is really high! You are bringing in this higher frequency! You are raising your higher consciousness and those around you will follow. 

  • You are an influencer, so there may be many people around you. BE mindful of those around you as you go to a higher frequency. Do they stay or do they go?

  • You have the power to receive higher intuitive information right now.

  • New beginnings are here because we are stepping into this higher frequency. It is as if we are being inspired to live in our purpose! Protect yourself from anyone trying to diminish this side of you!

Heart Chakra

  • Listen to your heart; listen to your soul! Inside yourself are the answers that will lead you to your purpose. 

  • Trust your higher consciousness.

  • Someone is getting clear guidance. Something is for you and works for you!

  • What your heart is leading to does not have to be rushed. Work at your own pace! Trust the phases of life. 

  • You are in the hands of the Divine right now! Turn over your needs and desires to your Highest Self! When you allow divine grace within your inner world, you don't have to worry.

  • Have confidence in YOUR magic! Nothing can stop you or hurt you.

  • Remove yourself from any toxicity within you!

I used selenite to clear out any negative energies that needed to be removed and to align us with our highest selves!

You have all the tools you need! These are a lot of messages, and some may not resonate with you. Only take within what feels right for you; leave the rest behind.

Know that you are worthy of all of the love, peace, and grace of the Divine!

So much love, peace, and light to you always,



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