Full Moon in Pisces | August 30, 2023

Happy Full Moon in Pisces! Our session will begin on August 30th, 9:35 PM EDT.

The collective message is below.

This Super Full Moon is also a blue moon, where there are two full moons in a month. This will be the biggest full moon we have seen because it is so close to the Earth, causing an effect on us gravitationally and psychically. Pisces energy is sensitive, kind, and empathetic, so you may feel like you are merging with the emotions of those in your environment during this time, especially if you have Pisces placements in your chart. Pisces energy can be very moody because it is so affected by its environment, and is often sort of egoless, or agendaless focusing on service to spirit, and connecting with the heart.

This Full Moon in Pisces will guide you to see where you have closed off your heart. Where has your mind, agenda, business, or work taken over?

This can be a fun opportunity to open up to your mystical, spiritual, and emotional side. It is okay if you feel uncomfortable because your feelings are heightened during this period. Use this as a time to evaluate how and where you want to move forward emotionally in your life. This energy can reveal where you need more compassion, allowing you to open your heart to what's missing in your life. You might realize areas in your life that bring feelings of disappointment or disillusionment because of where you have been deceived. Don't be surprised if some truths that were once hidden come to light. Any unconscious patterns or behaviors may be highlighted and will be impossible to ignore. Let yourself feel your feelings; it is okay. This moment will pass and you will find your balance again. Don't try to be overly hard on yourself because what is coming up is allowing you to release it.

It's important to take advantage of the Full Moon energy and do some self-reflection. This is a great opportunity to make decisions from a place of love and vulnerability. You can use this time to connect with yourself and others on a deeper level and experience unconditional love. Remember to find balance in your life and create healthy boundaries to make your dreams a reality. Above all, stay open to giving and receiving unconditional love.

Reference: The Pattern App, Full Moon in Pisces 27 Aug 2023- 31 Aug 2023.

Collective Message

Happy super blue full moon in Pisces! Please only take within what resonates with you.

I pulled a few cards for this session. They encouraged us to find balance. Are there areas in our lives where we are not giving enough attention? Has there been a lack of self-acceptance or self-care? In life, it is important to remember that what you give out, you receive. If the Universe sees you putting yourself last, that can show up in your daily world as well. Love yourself! Relax more, sleep more, and even drink more water.

Take time to think about where things are out of balance in your time and energy within yourself and outside of yourself. Spirit is giving you the courage and wisdom you need to break such toxic patterns. In this session we are pouring the life force energy into all your chakras, balancing them and bringing you peace.

Here is an affirmation to help you maintain your balance:

I live a balanced and centered life. As I care for myself, the universe cares for me too.

Sometimes life can be off-balanced because we are indecisive. Are there two choices in life right now? Are you anxiously looking to decide what is the better choice? Is life a bit confusing because of the up-and-down emotions of your present decision? Spending days, months, or years in back-and-forth energy can truly drain your life force energy causing a paralysis that keeps you stuck while you're waiting to be certain about the results of your choice. It's time to let go of the analysis and self-doubt that have been keeping you stuck. Meditate on your options and see where your Spirit guides you. Consider which direction resonates with you the most, both in the process of getting there and with the goal you desire to attain. Ultimately follow your heart and make the honoring choice.

Lastly, we are going to work with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. I am also seeing 111. This is the place where your stability and security are stored. We are flowing energy into this chakra so that even if you had problems regarding feeling secure in the past, these challenges are being resolved at this time. Your Spirit guides are bringing you strength and personal stability. You're capable of taking action and moving forward on your path so allow yourself to feel increasing faith in your own power and security now and always.

So for a while, we might have been off balance not giving ourselves exactly what we need. Personally, Spirit has been calling me back daily to spend some silent time within.

In life, our daily lives can cause us so much confusion, especially when we are living for others as well. Which way do we go? But Spirit is letting us know that the indecision is coming to an end. The past challenges are going to be resolved at this time. And if we felt insecure in the past, it's now a time for more stability. I'm seeing 888 right now as well. So if there have been things when it comes to money or finances, let that go and connect more with what's important right now because those issues will be resolved. Drink that water. Spend time with your loved ones. Spend time with things that make you feel that peace and connect you to your divinity because that's what matters the most. And recognize that the universe will take care of you. Do not put yourself last.

You have such a beautiful choice right now of continuing down our current path that is off-balanced, or going to a place of stability. This Full Moon energy is allowing us to come into ourselves, come into our full power. So I encourage you to choose that; choose your greatest and highest self; that's who you are.

Right now, I am choosing to surrender to my highest Self, peace, and happiness. I am choosing to release trying to control every outcome and stepping into the hands of divine grace where I rest and become the observer of this life. 

What is the highest and greatest choice for you today?

With so much love,


Just so you know, we offer free daily Reiki sessions for everyone. Your monetary support goes a long way in helping us further our mission and assists those who are not part of our Zen-Filled community.


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