Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus | October 28, 2023

Happy Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! Our session will be on October 28, 2023, around the peak of the full moon at 4:24 PM EDT.  Join our session here!

This energy is at the beginning of Scorpio season, so don't be surprised if some personal or hidden truths that we might need to embrace and release pop out of nowhere. 

Full Moons can be cosmic spotlights because they can illuminate what has and hasn't been working in our lives. We can feel the need to speak our truth as well. 

This can also be a time to celebrate everything that we have accomplished!

This Full Moon lunar eclipse is happening in Taurus which deals with our material comforts, sensory enjoyment, and finances. We can possibly expect financial surprises or hidden aspects of this area during this time, personally or in this world. Levels up in our finances are possible! 

Taurus moon energy also brings with it the energies of perseverance, patience, practicality, and also, on the other hand, stubbornness. Be mindful that the decisions that you make during this time can become habits and not easy to break. This is great energy when used for your highest benefit!

Because our Sun is in Scorpio, the veil may become more thin. We are seeing a lot of solar energetic support that helps with willpower, personal mastery, and transmuting energy. So this is a great time to look within ourselves and decide the areas we want to transform, whether it be through shadow work, committing to a new skill, or exploring spiritual practices.

The lunar eclipse energy can help us go deeper. Don't be surprised if something surprises you and secrets are revealed. We are being led to complete what we began during our last lunar session, the New Moon and Solar Eclipse. It is okay if things suddenly shift around or within you.

If you are feeling more emotional during this time, it is to be expected. The lunar eclipse can affect the emotional body, but you have the grounding energy of the Taurus full moon to help you find balance. 

I am excited about personal changes during this potent spiritual season! They might catch us off guard, but they are for our highest good! 

Here are some spiritual practices for this time:

Release outdated beliefs

Meditate on abundance (it is all around you!)

Ground yourself

Appreciate life's luxuries.  

Peace, love, and light to you always,


Check out more information here:



Collective Messages

Below is the picture of our card spread from the energy reading.

The energies that once had major influences over us, especially over the last few couple of years, were released today in full. Decisions made to begin new chapters in our lives are being solidified. Ones that once had power and control over us have to be released but with love. This session has been so different because I have done 7 mini sessions throughout the past 24 hours for our group. 

During the session, I kept coming back to the realization that it is okay to let go! We kept letting go with love, even if there was some regret mixed in with it. Spirit is still encouraging us to allow life to lead us to our designated path. Sometimes there are clear instructions and “knowings” and other times we are at a loss for the next steps. But perhaps you can begin to see that the blockages that come in your path are predetermined for your journey from your Highest Self. So if things feel frustrating for you, it’s a sign that Spirit wants you to release control. Accepting what is happening in the present moment allows movement forward. 

Some of you are to see this as a sport, a mind game! Have fun with it. Make it a sport to see how often you can release the anxiety or frustration that stems from wanting things to go a certain way. Find your Highest Self back where the peace resides within you. How do you zen out when life throws you those curve balls? With practice, you can easily go back to being in the hands of your divinity instead of allowing your ego to take over when times get difficult. 

For those who lost close relatives/loved ones in this physical realm, I place a special hug full of protection and love around you. This transition is never easy for those left behind but spirit wants you to know that this is a part of the circle of life. Even if you feel you didn’t sign up for the heaviness of this place, this earth, in reality, your Highest Self did. And ultimately, overarchingly, you are your Highest Self. So please learn to trust that Being and your journey. Make it a habit, a sport. 

For those of you ending chapters by letting relationships go that hurt you, kept you babied, and underdeveloped in the past, my arms are around you as well. The same message as above is for you though. Don’t hold on to the regret or pain anymore. Continue to release with love. Make it a sport and no longer get upset at yourself for choosing what you felt was best for you. Don’t treat yourself wrong for moving on.

For those of you who feel like life ripped things from you, a special hug of love is here for you as well. I’m sorry for your loss. But know you will be alright and grow from this. Feel your pain but please don’t get stuck in it. 

In this session, we are clearing past resentments and unneeded soul ties with peace and love in our hearts. It makes for a better journey. 

I keep hearing, “I’m sorry”. I had to sit in this energy to understand it. A lot of us are beating ourselves up for letting others down. Forgive yourself and embrace your decisions with love. It is okay if you decide(d) to move in a direction best for your life. You no longer have to apologize for that. If your heart so inclines, send love to the situation that still brings you discomfort. It is time to fully release it. You won’t feel this way all ways, especially for my fixed signs/placements in this session. 

Now it’s time for trust! Life might feel a bit different because new chapters will continue to reveal themselves after this great release. 

This great release is also dealing with some of us leaving behind mindsets that were so limiting. Great for you!! You are moving forward in such a beautiful journey of abundance and love, peace and pureness of heart. 

Purity can sometimes seem far-fetched. How is it possible? It is really about being true to you! I am taking time to help some of us release the messiness or the need to be messy, calculated, or quietly hurtful to others; this is no fun to receive or give to another. You can release the mess and move with love if you want to. What are the intentions of your heart? May they be the best you can give in every moment. This can be done through the release of control and moving the ego aside which allows your highest self to move through you. Every moment you can give control to your peace and love. 

This is a quick reminder of what you put out, you will receive back. And yes, this is all great Maya, the illusion, but you are still living your life and want to love and enjoy it as well.  

What life are you deciding? Many of us are ready for abundance. Releasing the lack. I am so proud of you for moving forward in abundance of all kinds. 

I pulled some cards for this session as well. Here are our messages:

 444 Your prayers or desires for protection have been heard. You are always protected! 

You are called to cut the cords that bind you to old thought forms and beliefs, or to friends who are not true. Nothing can stop you from what you really seek or the goals of your heart. Any stuck places that are connected to toxic things or people are being severed. 

It is time to see where your actions or others caused harm; take responsibility for healing this rift by allowing love, compassion, deep listening, and presence to whatever is not in harmony. This allows for your liberty and for passage towards your new beginnings! Because in reality, we are all connected! Yes, we are all individuals living our own experiences, but we are also connected to each other through our divinity, God, Buddha, Jesus, Collective Consciousness, or whatever you may call it. It allows us to even do these sessions and tap in together. 

We are all products of our conditioning, so remember that this is part of the human experience. But you are not meant to stay stuck! You go nowhere if you don’t get out of your comfort zone. If you focus too much on yourself showing up in life in a specific way, you become a servant of the ego, removing the magic out of possibilities! If you could let your self-definition soften, what would you do? Who could you be? New is emerging!

Your dreams and desires have been heard! Even if you can not see them coming into this realm yet, they manifest in the unseen realms first. Your beautiful results are being birthed for you right now!

 There are many opportunities available to you to expand your horizons through studying, traveling, starting a business, and learning. You are becoming more aware of the possibilities that exist for you right now, and there are still more opportunities to come. To take advantage of this potential, you must stay committed to your path and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, as your best chances for success lie outside of your current environment or from where you just left. It’s time to start thinking big. 

For some of us, a new idea or opportunity may come unexpectedly, seemingly out of nowhere. It’s important to allow your creative energy to flow freely in order to find a way to express it. Maintaining an open and curious mindset is key to discovering new aspects of life and yourself. By being open to all possibilities, especially those that are creative or intuitive in nature, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

A surge of fresh energy from the realms of intellect and intuition is now available for us. A significant breakthrough or a new perspective that enables us to see the world with greater clarity may be just around the corner or already here. This is an ideal time to begin a new project that calls for your intellectual, communication, and mental abilities. You are moving forward now! You have no choice!  You have divine wisdom with you every step of the way.

Wow! This was a powerful session! I love how the channel messages were confirmed by the card reading. I am so excited about our new journeys! They are very heart-based and will lead to amazing opportunities if you allow the new to come on in.

Know that I love you and I am so happy for you all!

Peace, love, and light always,


Join our next session here or get a personal reiki treatment and reading here.

Here are some frequencies to help us release the energies no longer needed for our journey.


New Moon in Scorpio | November 13, 2023


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra | October 14, 2023