New Moon in Scorpio | November 13, 2023

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! The peak of this new moon is at 4:27 AM EST on November 13, 2023, but I will do the session that night.

The new Moon marks the beginning of a new chapter. As the stars light up the night sky, we are reminded of the power of darkness. It's neither good nor bad, but a source of creativity and new energy. Embrace this lunar event and set your intentions to create something beautiful and inspiring.

The Moon and Sun are in the sign of Scorpio, bringing the theme of transformation to the forefront. This lunar event provides us with intuitive guidance and supportive energy to help us turn our weaknesses into strengths. Let's embrace this opportunity and transmute our shadows into something beautiful and empowering.

The new Moon in Scorpio may stir up deep emotions that are usually hidden in your unconscious mind or shadows. Scorpio has a way of making the unconscious conscious, so let's use this energy to our advantage. Allow this Moon to reveal buried truths and encourage you to dig deeper to find what lies beneath the surface. Remember, what you feel on the surface is often just the tip of the iceberg.

The effects of the new Moon and Scorpio's energy depend on the astrological house it's transiting through in your birth chart. Locate the house ruled by Scorpio to find the area of your life most affected by this lunar event. This is where your intentions will have the greatest potential to manifest.

The new Moon, Sun, and Mars in Scorpio can bring up anger or frustration if boundaries are crossed. Acknowledge where you need boundaries to honor your growth. If you're feeling angry or frustrated, ask yourself how those emotions can inform your need for boundaries. The Moon, Sun, and Mars also oppose Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, an opportunity to sit with your emotions and dissolve old patterns that don't honor your emotions or cause you to ignore them. Sit with the intensity of your emotions and let them teach you.

This new Moon is all about embracing the unknown and trusting your intuition to guide you forward. Keep an open mind, and let your visionary senses reveal the higher meaning of your life. Remember, you've got this!


Collective Messages

Hi everyone! Thank you for being open to the session. Keep in mind, these sessions are for our Zenfilled Collective so everything may not resonate with you. Here are our messages for our New Moon in Scorpio session:

We must do the work that keeps our spiritual life at the forefront, that keeps us connected and in alignment with who we truly are, divinity embodied. And when we have that agreement within ourselves, we know we are ALWAYS protected. When we recognize who we are, we come to the realization that we are never alone and we have a steady lover within us, always. It is always possible for us to experience inner love, connection, and peace when we make the decision to remain connected. This allows the energy that keeps us aligned with our true selves to flow within us and out of us.

So as you make the decision to feel and be who you truly are, you may have to keep trying to keep that inner flame burning. But once you keep doing the work, keep staying aligned, and keep doing the things that allow the higher energies to flow, it naturally removes things that are no longer needed. I feel this way almost every time during our sessions. This is a reminder, today, that you can remain in your peace, love, and happiness even during a Storm or Tower moment. You can have the mindset that things always work out, even when they don't feel like it. 

There are possibly some thoughts, some ideas, some old relationships, and old habits that have been toxic to you in the past and that have you wavering in your strength, but your True Self is still so strong. You are still so powerful. If you pause and release the weight of your thoughts, can you feel that power? Take 60 seconds and try it now. 

The illusion, false thoughts, the shadows make it seem like you don't have the strength, that you're not powerful, that things are not going in the right way, and that you're off-balanced or off-kilter. But who you truly are is standing strong, standing tall in the most beautiful way. I see your Highest Self standing in a SuperHero pose! Sometimes life may throw you off balance, but illusions pass and winds settle. Your Spirit is really encouraging you to stay in alignment. “Listen to things that keep you sane” are the words that I'm hearing. You can listen to spiritual teachers, lectures, music frequencies, and advice that keep you in your positive frequency and in the vibrations of love. These practices can help you release toxicities and the old patterns so that you can recenter and remain focused on what matters allowing you to create beautiful things. 

It is a time for creation. Some of you are going to attract and create things that have never been seen or are so very rare. I'm seeing a lot of creation for our group today and not hiding behind the crowd or under the bushel anymore. 

Your Highest Self is focused on positivity, great abundance, great love, and knowing that you're always protected! Remaining with the higher frequency allows you to feel the way your Highest Self always feels, as well; that higher knowing is your ultimate truth. You are always loved! 

I'm also feeling a lot of fun things occurring for some of us, things that we know we can finally accomplish, that are satisfying, and things that we can finally remove. For some, this will be a wonderful moment of cleansing! Sometimes we need to let go of certain habits, friends, and items from specific areas of our lives. And that removal will be extremely satisfying! I am feeling so much joy, excitement, and happiness. So kudos to you all for allowing these beautiful changes into your life. 

Welcome in the practice of knowing that you are all right at this moment and that your Divine is always there. How do you experience your divinity? How do you know your divinity is always there? It is so personal for each of us, but I hear the silence, a beautiful frequency that I can tune into always. Taking even 30 seconds at a time to tap into the feeling, hearing, or even seeing the divinity within you can become a beautiful practice to help you realize that you are never alone; love is always here and peace is readily available. For some of us, sometimes we feel like our truest desires are so far away. You may ask: is it possible? Will it ever come? One day you'll wake up and you'll realize oh my gosh, what I have been waiting for has actually always been here. When we release control and allow our desire to come to us, we won’t even realize it is there until, POP, the epiphany happens. Upon achieving our goals and desires, we may realize that the accompanying feeling has been experienced and enjoyed before this moment. Taking that time to tap into your higher frequencies can allow you to experience the joy you think you receive from your desire. That is what I mean when I say your love, peace, and joy are always readily available to you because they always are. The excitement for your new toy, job, or relationship is oftentimes very fleeting. But your divine connection is always so true! 

Again, some of us are really stepping into being creatives, businesswomen, businessmen, or whatever you may identify as. Many blockages are gone and any still here are most definitely being removed. A lot of blockages from our creativity, or from our boss are being eliminated. Some of us want to really step into our divine feminine to the highest degree so that creating and feminine nature can flow and be revealed. So we are allowing the blockages to be completely and totally removed so that we can step into the Highest Versions of ourselves.

We're realizing that we are always protected and that we have the ability to focus on the Oneness even when the illusions make it seem like life is unsteady. It's time to trust in your inner stillness, your inner peace. I promise you it's always there. Even in the most scariest times, it's always there. Ask for it and wait for it to happen.

Again, only take what resonates for this is a group session. 

So much peace, love, and light to you always,



Full Moon in Gemini | November 27, 2023


Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus | October 28, 2023