Full Moon in Gemini | November 27, 2023

Happy Full Moon in Gemini! The peak of the full Moon is on November 27, 2023, at 4:16 AM, but I will do our session that night around 11:30 PM.

Click here for the collective messages.

Click here to hear the audio version of our collective messages!

Gemini governs communication, especially during a full Moon, potentially leading to oversharing or misunderstandings. Its influence extends beyond spoken words to encompass the thoughts shaping our perspectives. Gemini teaches that our lives are guided by the narratives we create, providing a sense of security but also imposing limitations and outdated labels.

However, these narratives can be rewritten with a simple shift in perspective. Gemini offers inspiration to break free from limiting patterns and redefine our reality. During the full Moon in Gemini, remain open to unexpected insights and brilliance, as they may hold the key to transforming your world. Pay attention to seemingly insignificant information that could shift your perspective.

As you open your mind to messages and signs, recognize your ability to overcome barriers and align with your intentions set during the recent New Moon. The full Moon in Gemini empowers you to release doubts, shed limiting beliefs, and discard old stories, fostering consciousness expansion and inviting the unexpected.

Approaching the year's end, reflect on your journey since January and the new Moon in Gemini in June. Consider how your perspectives have evolved, influencing the daily stories you tell yourself and transforming your vibration. Share these reflections with others or document them in a journal.

Embrace this time, as Gemini's energy uplifts even in challenging moments. Tap into the inspiration around you to envision a future filled with unknown stories propelling you to new heights. Craft positive affirmations that support your desired narrative, encouraging expansion beyond self-imposed limitations. Surround yourself with those who can impart valuable lessons, creating positive truths about yourself and the world. And don't be surprised if an unexpected messenger brings you information that can change your world!

I am excited about our session on Monday night! I will burn a candle to help us release any blockages and limiting beliefs based on your New Moon’s intentions and any intentions you have set during this moon phase!

Peace, love, and light to you always,


Collective Messages

Greetings and Happy Full Moon in Gemini! I appreciate your openness to this session. Before we delve into the channeling, I want to express gratitude for your participation.

Click here to hear the audio version of our collective messages!

Prior to commencing, I lit candles to cleanse any lingering energy from our New Moon session in Scorpio, ensuring a clear path for our highest good. Notably, the candle ignited during the Scorpio session continues to burn brightly, a testament to our collective commitment to removing obstacles hindering our greatness.

Many among us grapple with fears focused on potential future misfortunes, a common concern centered on "What if?" scenarios. Redirecting our focus towards actions that align with our highest selves diminishes the prominence of these fears. It's crucial to concentrate on the positive, especially when deviating from the norm feels right. A vision of a rainbow-colored happy face has appeared in my third eye, symbolizing joy derived from embracing unconventional paths.

Some may find themselves traversing unfamiliar territories, diverging from familial or societal expectations, yet experiencing immense joy. Despite ingrained beliefs suggesting otherwise, pursuing one's happiness, as long as it harms no one, is worthy. Our beliefs significantly shape our lives, prompting rituals with candles, crystals, icons, and statues to reprogram our minds for positivity. Today, we collectively dismantle subconscious blockages, underscoring our shared dedication to this transformative process.

Moving to the Heart Chakra, the Lord's Prayer resonates, emphasizing connection with our highest self, God, and divine team. Feeling out of one's comfort zone is acknowledged, with reassurance that divine protection accompanies us. Some may require protection from close relatives, particularly a maternal figure. Forgiveness is highlighted as the highest form of self-love, essential for breaking free from past pain. The importance of protecting one's energy is emphasized, advocating for alignment and moving away from negativity. Releasing pain liberates us from its grip, stripping it of power over our lives.

Our decision to incarnate on this earth involved signing up for an exploration of our forefathers' shadows, whether they were present or absent in our lives. These experiences became the basis of our programming. The highest form of love for oneself and others is found in forgiveness and compassion. While embracing these virtues, it is equally vital to protect our energy. Maintaining alignment with our current selves and future aspirations requires discernment. Some may find solace in forgiveness and compassion, eventually distancing themselves from people and situations that no longer resonate. This intentional shift preserves personal alignment.

A recurring message emphasizes the importance of strengthening the vagus nerve to alleviate anxiety.

Two cards, "Me" and "Opening the Door," are drawn, signaling the current energies surrounding the collective.

Serenity emerges as a potent force within our collective experience, highlighting its internal source rather than relying on external factors. Life occasionally prompts the need to close doors or recognize that our current path no longer aligns with our essence, and that realization is perfectly acceptable. It's a moment to decide which direction resonates with our true selves. Serenity, we realize, emanates from within, and obstacles and oppositions are not adversaries but guiding forces, propelling us toward the fulfillment of our soul's path. They serve as catalysts for growth, urging us to move forward on our journey toward greatness.

For those in our group seeking a practical exercise, burning bay leaves is suggested to release things no longer in alignment and invite what is needed. This ritual can be a powerful practice in letting go and ushering in new energies. If anyone is curious about this process, expressing interest is encouraged.

Drawing two additional cards, "Tai Chi Rising" and "The Yin Empress," signifies a pivotal theme in this session—wholeheartedly tuning into our soul's purpose. Through the combined power of candles and Reiki, we are actively releasing blockages that impede our progress, clearing the path for the pursuit of our heart's desires.

The Gemini Full Moon accentuates the importance of communication, and some may find themselves grappling with emotions. There's a yearning to express oneself through various means such as speaking, writing, or engaging in podcasts—whatever aligns with one's soul purpose takes precedence in this session. Should any aspect of this session not resonate with you, it's perfectly fine. The key is to trust your inner guidance and discern between mere thoughts and the wisdom emanating from your highest self.

Two more cards, "Fool's Embrace: Transmuting Pain" and "Horseman: The Herald of Change," highlight a phase of transmuting pain for some in the group. Embarking on something new may bring up past pains, requiring the alchemical process of transmutation. It's an essential step to eliminate anything hindering the pursuit of our soul's purpose. Trust in your journey; confronting and transforming pain is part of removing blockages and propels positive change. Spirit emphasizes that those embracing their soul's purpose will experience significant and positive transformations.

At the Crown Chakra, a visualization of Reiki energy pouring into the brain fosters a connection with higher consciousness and collective energy. This connection sparks a harmonious link with higher consciousness and the collective consciousness, offering protection and, above all, love. The love pouring in is immense, creating a potent connection between your heart and crown chakras. Your highest self, God, and the divine team extend profound love, focusing on your heart chakra to cultivate self-love and welcome opportunities.

Many of you have already undergone significant pain transmutation, enabling the commencement of a new journey. Change is inevitable for those who confront their pain, regardless of where you currently stand in this healing process. Spirit is within you, offering unwavering support, love, and pride for embracing your soul's guidance. Your choices pave the way for peace, prosperity, and success tailored perfectly for your unique journey.

Turning attention to the Sacral Chakra, I acknowledge that some have faced challenges in expressing their true selves in certain situations, and I genuinely empathize with that struggle. I extend my apologies for any relationships that have instilled fear, frustration, or sadness. Now is the moment to reclaim your power and authentically pursue your soul's desires. This may entail letting go of relationships, a process that can be profoundly healing for your life.

A deep connection with your heart at the sacral chakra is sensed, emphasizing the importance of leaving behind mean-spirited, envious, or jealous sentiments. It's time to distance yourself from environments where such energies prevail. By doing so, you create space for relationships rooted in love and respect. Through the power of candles, we are actively removing and releasing these detrimental energies, aligning ourselves with our soul's purpose.

Shifting focus to the Solar Plexus, confidence emerges as a reliance on our highest self. Detecting a slight disconnect between the heart and solar plexus chakras, I'm sending Reiki to both areas to harmonize their energies. Empowering our heart's purpose to confidently guide our lives leads us on a path where we can leap across timelines.

As a collective, we've committed to releasing blockages, trusting in the unfolding of our desires. This trust opens doors to extraordinary situations beyond our wildest dreams. Consider your simplest heart's desire—whether it's a daily workout, reading sacred texts, or maintaining a healthy diet. Trust your feelings and act on them. Listening to your soul and embracing that God-confidence will bring about significant, transformative changes in your life. Whether through daily meditation or a morning prayer, consistent practices have the potential to be truly life-changing.

Focusing on the Root Chakra, I set the intention for our foundations to be firmly rooted in our highest self, soul's purpose, god-confidence, and higher intelligence guiding us. This connection extends to our soul family and tribe, nurtured through positivity, affirmations, and the release of unnecessary old connections. Cultivating aligned relationships with ourselves and others is the goal.

Expressing gratitude is key, creating space for more blessings. I emphasize the practice of genuine gratitude, learned through personal experience. Sometimes, asking for lessons in gratitude can result in the removal of things we thought were essential, revealing a path of true alignment. As you practice gratitude, observe the existing beauty in your life—stability, love, kindness, joy, happiness, and peace are already present. Recognize the divine closeness within you, acknowledging that your God is always with you. Begin by being grateful for your current position, even if it's not where you aspire to be. Trust your journey, decisions, and God-confidence, knowing that everything will unfold in alignment with your path.

The drawn card is "Stranger," symbolizing an entity that moves in darkness, often sparking fear, rejection, and uncertainty due to the unknown. The presence of the unfamiliar may create a veil of separation, tempting one to stick to what is safe and known. However, the message urges a departure from the comfort of sameness, encouraging openness to new concepts.

This moment offers an extraordinary opportunity for learning, provided one remains curious and teachable. Embrace the newness, as it brings a departure from expectations. The Stranger invites you to dance to a new rhythm, explore different sensations, and add more dimensions to your life and creations. It's a defining moment calling for humility and grace in welcoming diverse perspectives. Life is compared to a precious diamond, rich with many facets—now is the time to take the risk and acknowledge the beauty of variety.

In summary, this session strongly encourages pursuing your soul's desires, even if they seem unfamiliar or "strange." Embrace curiosity, as something extraordinary is offered to those who remain open and teachable. The collective is actively clearing blockages, confronting fears, and moving forward. Another candle will be lit for this purpose.

Life is acknowledged as imperfect, but tools like self-care, meditation, candles, and mental health techniques help maintain alignment. Trust your journey, recognizing the power within you. Three self-care cards are suggested: movement (yoga, dancing), sound healing (local events or online), and deep breathing for emotional release.

Emphasizing trust in life's direction, you're encouraged to love and trust yourself. Gratitude is expressed for the openness during the full moon session. Another candle will be lit for the group unless indicated otherwise. This is a collective session, so take in only what resonates with you. Peace, love, and light to you always.

Peace, love, and light always,



New Moon in Sagittarius | December 12, 2023


New Moon in Scorpio | November 13, 2023