New Moon in Aquarius | February 9, 2024

Happy New moon in Aquarius! Our session will begin around 10:30 PM EST on February 9, 2024. The peak of the new moon is around 5:59 PM EST.

Click here to watch our New moon session!

During a new moon in Aquarius, we feel the pull towards fresh beginnings and the pursuit of new dreams. Aquarius, guided by Saturn, fuels our innovative spirit, urging us to break free from the ordinary and explore new possibilities beyond conventional boundaries.

This time ignites a fire within us, inspiring the generation of visionary ideas and the pursuit of ambitious projects. We find ourselves driven by a sense of purpose and clarity, compelled to channel our creative energies toward endeavors that promise transformative change and meaningful progress.

Moreover, Aquarius's emphasis on social circles and collective endeavors encourages us to seek out collaborative opportunities aimed at enhancing communal well-being and advancing societal causes. The atmosphere is charged with a spirit of cooperation, motivating us to contribute to collective empowerment and shared growth.

Astrologically, the appearance of a new moon, shrouded in darkness as it blocks out the radiant light of the sun, symbolizes a period of introspection and heightened receptivity to intuitive insights. It invites us to delve deep into our subconscious, confront unresolved emotions, and shed obsolete patterns of behavior. Though this process may evoke vulnerability, it also marks the beginning of a new cycle, brimming with untapped potential and boundless opportunities for personal and collective evolution.

Setting intentions during this lunar phase empowers us to align our actions with our deepest desires and aspirations. As the moon waxes/grows brighter in the following days, the intentions we set during the new moon gain momentum and strength, propelling us toward the manifestation of our dreams.

It is time to trust our inner guidance and remain open to the subtle cues and signs provided by the universe. Whether through dreams, synchronicities, or intuitive nudges, the universe offers guidance and illumination to those willing to listen. By attuning ourselves to these signals and embracing the support of our spirit team, we can navigate this transformative period with confidence and grace, paving the way for personal growth and fulfillment.

Peace, love, and light always,


Collective Messages


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