Full Moon in Gemini Download

Collective Message

The session started off with this affirmation,

“Only love lives here.” - Curly Nikki

This is a mantra often repeated by Curly Nikki in her daily podcasts. During those tough times, it is a reminder that the only thing that truly matters is the love that remains within you. It is the only thing that is real in this world. All of the good, all of the bad, and everything else beyond this is an illusion.

Before any breakthrough, you might feel significant resistance. Can you begin to remember that it is usually the darkest right before dawn when life offers you those tough times?

Spirit is encouraging us to practice true peace. True peace sees beyond the pain of the moment. True peace helps you realize that nothing has gone wrong despite feeling like all is wrong.

Mantra Practice

This coming week, I want you to practice a mantra that helps you remain in alignment with your highest frequency. For example, repeating, “only love is here, always.” is something that you can practice over and over and over again. It helps you remain present in the Presence of the divine, of love. It reminds you that nothing has gone wrong because, at all times, no matter what the world may offer you, good or bad, only love is here. Begin to connect and feel that everlasting love inside of you. Then begin to realize and know that you are that divine love.

If you have moments of darkness around you, know that it's because you have chosen love! When we choose a higher frequency, everything that is no longer in alignment is swept away. Those things, thoughts, and people that need to be removed come into our awareness, and it can be tough to say goodbye to something we once held so near and dear, but everything is ok because Only Love is Here. Only God is here, guiding you even when life feels unclear. You are constantly being guided.

So excited for us as we practice being in the divine presence continuously. It is a practice, meaning you have to repeatedly bring yourself back into the divine Presence, and it can take time to get used to, but I hope you can have fun with it and feel divine presence take over! As you allow this divinity to move into and over your life, you will have an internal perspective shift that will show up in your day-to-day life. There is no need to focus on the bad or even the good; focus on the love inside! Feel it, embrace it. It is always there for you.

This is another practice that moves us into truly becoming The Observer of how God flows through our lives continuously! I am so excited about your breakthrough!

Peace, love, light, and beautiful Presence to you always,


If you have any tips, comments, or questions on how to remain in perfect peace, please share them below.

Please keep in mind that these are collective messages, so only take what resonates within you.

Below are links to a daily or a one-one Reiki session with me.


Daily Download | December 19, 2022


New Moon in Sagittarius Download